Annual General Meeting 2024
Glencore's 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held at Theater-Casino Zug, Artherstrasse 2-4, Zug, Switzerland on 29 May 2024 at 12 p.m. Central European Summer Time (CEST).
Für deutschsprachige Aktionäre
Annual General Meeting 2023
Glencore's 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held at Theater-Casino Zug, Artherstrasse 2-4, Zug, Switzerland on Friday 26 May 2023 at 11.30 a.m. Central European Summer Time (CEST).
Für deutschsprachige Aktionäre
Annual General Meeting 2022
Glencore's 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held at Theater-Casino Zug, Artherstrasse 2-4, Zug, Switzerland on 28 April 2022 at 12 p.m. Central European Summer Time (CEST)
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Annual General Meeting 2021
Given the continuing COVID-19 restrictions applying in Canton Zug, we intend that the business of the AGM this year will be split across a live video webcast on 22 April at 1.30 p.m. CEST and the legal formalities conducted via a meeting with restricted access to be held on 29 April at 1.30 p.m. CEST.
In compliance with the latest COVID-19 restrictions, access to the meeting will be limited to shareholders only and the room capacity will be limited to 15 persons (including personnel), with mandatory social distancing and wearing of facemasks. No food or beverage will be served.
Due to the strict limitation in permitted number of attendees, we encourage shareholders who plan on attending the AGM on 29 April to inform us by email ( ahead of the event.
Shareholder engagement is important to the Company and we therefore encourage shareholders to participate in the webcast and vote via proxy, rather than attend the AGM.
The webcast will include presentations on Company strategy and performance. There will also be the opportunity for shareholders to ask questions in real time about the business of the AGM and the Company to our Board. Holding this event one week in advance of the AGM date will provide shareholders with the opportunity to exercise their vote after consideration of the information provided during the webcast. The AGM on 29 April will deal with the legal formalities of the meeting only. There will be no presentations from the Board.
Shareholders should continue to monitor the website and announcements for any updates regarding the AGM and the live video webcast.
Details of how to join the live video webcast and how to submit questions are available below.
Governance note on Climate Action Transition Plan vote
Shareholders can download the relevant proxy form by clicking on the links below:
- Form of Proxy for shareholders on Jersey register
- Form of Proxy for shareholders on South African register
Shareholders may cast their votes via the online platform:
To be effective, all proxy appointments must be lodged with the Company’s Registrars:
Jersey: Computershare Investor Services (Jersey) Limited by 27 April 2021 at 12.30 pm (BST) / 1.30 pm (CEST).
South Africa: Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited by 27 April 2021 at 1.30 pm (SAST).
For any questions on your Form of Proxy, please contact our registrars Computershare:
Jersey Shareholders
Computershare Investor Services (Jersey) Limited
c/o The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road,
Bristol, BS99 6ZY
Tel: +44 0370 707 4040
Online form at
South Africa Shareholders
Rosebank Towers
15 Biermann Avenue,
Rosebank, 2196, South Africa
Tel: +27 11 370 5000
Email to
An on-demand version of the webcast is available:
- Webcast playback (English), please click here
- Webcast playback (German), please click here
- The presentation slides can be downloaded here
Annual General Meeting 2020
Glencore announced on 7 May 2020 that its 2020 AGM was held on 2 June 2020 at 10 a.m. Central European Summer Time.
Due to restrictions relating to COVID-19, regrettably the AGM this year will be a closed meeting, meaning that shareholders will not be able to attend in person.
Although shareholders will not be able to attend the AGM in person, shareholder participation is crucial. Glencore encourages shareholders to participate in the business of the AGM by voting by proxy.
As it will not be possible to ask questions during the AGM this year, Glencore provided an opportunity for shareholder engagement prior to the AGM by way of a live audio webcast on 28 May 2020.
Our AGM normally provides an opportunity for shareholders to ask questions about the business of the AGM and the Company. Given that shareholders will not be able to attend the AGM due to COVID-19 restrictions, we held a live audio webcast ahead of the AGM, as an opportunity for our shareholders to engage directly with our Chairman, Anthony Hayward and CEO, Ivan Glasenberg on Thursday 28 May 2020 from 10am to 11.30am CEST.
An on-demand version of the audio webcast is available:
- Webcast playback (English), please click here
- Webcast playback (German), please click here
The presentation slides can be downloaded here.
Our 2019 AGM
Glencore's 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held at Theater-Casino Zug, Artherstrasse 2 - 4, Zug, Switzerland on 9 May 2019 at 11 a.m. Central European Summer Time (CEST)