Our Leaders


Our Leaders

We expect every leader across our business to be a strong role model for acting with integrity and promoting a safe, responsible and ethical culture.

All leaders must:

Live the Values and act in accordance with the Code and its spirit
Promote our Values, Code and Policies, and define expected behaviours
Look for opportunities to create value and grow our business in a manner consistent with our Values and Code
Treat their teams fairly and with respect, and create an environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking openly about concerns without fear of retaliation
Listen to concerns, take them seriously, and address them appropriately

Be alert to and report any concerns regarding breaches of the Code, our policies or the law that they observe themselves or that are reported to them by others.

We depend on our leaders to uphold the Code across the business by:

Identifying, assessing and managing risks
Ensuring our people participate in training on the Code and relevant policies

Reinforcing the importance of speaking openly and the requirement to report concerns regarding breaches of the Code, our policies or the law and the consequences of failing to do so 

Collaborating and engaging with internal and external stakeholders
Setting clear and realistic goals and inspiring everyone to achieve them
Creating opportunities for our people to develop and fulfil their potential
Being clear on what is, and what isn’t acceptable behaviour
Holding their teams to account
Recognising and rewarding people not only on what they achieve but how they achieve it
Intervening when performance doesn’t meet our expectations

As part of our culture of Speaking Openly, we expect our leaders, managers and supervisors to model and actively cultivate a culture of listening and openness. We are committed to a culture that  enables our people to feel confident to speak openly and raise concerns when needed.