Responsible Sourcing

Responsible sourcing

Our Purpose is to responsibly source the commodities that advance everyday life. 

Responsible sourcing is our commitment to take into account social, ethical and environmental considerations when managing our relationships with suppliers through our supply chain and procurement strategies. We are committed to purchasing products and services from suppliers who operate in a manner that is responsible, transparent and respects the human rights of all. 

Our sourcing and supply chains

As a vertically integrated commodity supplier with a diverse commodity mix, our business is supported by multiple and varied sourcing and supply chains which provide the products and services we need at different stages of our business. Our sourcing and supply chains include multinational, regional, national, and local producers and suppliers. We also utilise transportation and infrastructure operated by third parties. 

    Learn more about our sourcing and supply chain.

Metals and minerals

Through our global network of offices, our marketing teams physically source commodities from our industrial assets and from third party suppliers. 

Our industrial assets process the commodities from their own mines and sometimes from some of our other industrial assets and/or from third party suppliers. 

Most finished products are sold by our marketing business to our customers around the world. 

We also recycle a wide variety of complex end-of-life electronics, batteries, and other products, materials and industrial waste. 

Goods and services

Most of the goods and services procured by our marketing activities relate to the contracting of third party operated transportation and infrastructure such as warehousing. 

For our industrial assets, their goods and services procurement activities are mainly for fuel, electrical energy, maintenance and purchasing of mining equipment, mining services, contract labour and transportation.

Our responsible sourcing programme

Our responsible sourcing programme supports the identification, prevention and mitigation of potentially adverse impacts that could negatively affect people, the environment or company reputation through our supply chain and sourcing activities. 

Our approach is designed to ensure we are responsibly and ethically sourcing and producing the materials that we bring to market, as well as meeting external expectations and complying with regulations. 

Our approach to Responsible Sourcing

Principles we follow

  • UN Global Compact
    UN Global Compact
    Visit the website
  • Principle 1
    Principle 1

    businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights

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  • Principle 2
    Principle 2

    make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses

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Human rights
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