Corporate Citizenship

To fulfill our responsibility as a corporate citizen, we focus on four core pillars for our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts: health, infrastructure, and supplier development. By investing in these areas, we aim to create lasting positive impacts that extend beyond the life of our mines.

Investing in the Future: We offer bursaries and graduate programs to cultivate future mining professionals, while promoting diversity and inclusion, particularly for women in mining. We also support small businesses to create jobs, reduce poverty, and  empower individuals, families, and businesses. 

Building Strong Communities: Our CSR efforts prioritize health, infrastructure, and education. Through dedicated programs, we improve access to quality healthcare, strengthen infrastructure within communities, and invest in education programs that equip residents with the skills they need to thrive. 

Collaboration for Progress: We believe collaboration with stakeholders drives progress. Our programs extend beyond mining-related skills, improving education, infrastructure, and environmental practices. Our business investments create a wider socioeconomic impact, with benefits felt even by those not directly connected to Glencore. 

Sustainable Partnerships: We partner with communities for sustainable 
development. Through open communication via community consultation forums, we address concerns and actively work together to provide infrastructure, education, healthcare, skills development training, and procurement opportunities. Our supplier portals further connect local businesses with us. 

Our supplier portals help local businesses to connect and work with us. The training we provide includes both mining and non-mining-related skills, which helps to reduce employment dependency across our industry and to increase our community members’ chance of finding work elsewhere.

Case studies

The selection of case studies provided below offers a glimpse into the many bursars, graduates, women in mining and business owners affected by Glencore. In some instances, our relationship with these individuals is still in its infancy, while in others, it is many years in the making. In every case, the long-lasting beneficial impact we are having on their academic, professional and personal lives is tangible. 

Prospectus and Nomination Forms

Eastern Limb Training Centre is an Accredited Engineering Service provider which provides a variety of skills training tailored to meet any companies engineering needs.

Latest case studies


Our role in South Africa is informed by our social license to operate and, as a responsible operator, we engage with our employees and local communities openly and transparently. Ensuring their collective safety, health and well-being is our highest priority, and we do everything we can to promote equality, preserve human rights and protect the environment.

Read more about how we work with our communities and our approach to sustainability.

Where we operate

Our four coal operations are located in the coal-rich province of Mpumalanga, while our ferroalloys mines and smelters can be found across the northern part of South Africa, in the North West Province and Limpopo.

We are one of South Africa’s leading producers of thermal or steam coal. In South Africa, our coal complexes produce thermal coal for export and domestic power generation. 

We are also one of the world’s largest and lowest-cost producers of chrome ore, ferrochrome and vanadium. Our chromite assets are held through our majority stake in the Glencore-Merafe Chrome Venture, and our vanadium assets through our majority stake in the Rhovan-Bakwena Vanadium Venture. We also market manganese ore and alloys.