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We are committed to high standards of corporate governance and transparency. We seek to maintain long-term, open, transparent and constructive relationships and dialogue with our key stakeholders.
Our approach
Through our presence, we can deliver significant and sustainable economic benefits to our host governments, employees, suppliers and communities. We seek to understand and manage our impacts, generate sustainable benefits for our host communities, while also promoting diversified and resilient local economies. We believe that our transparency encourages the responsible management of revenues, supports an improved understanding of our activities and contributions and strengthens accountability.
Our contributions in 2023*
$12.7bnin income taxes, royalties and other payments 1
Applicable tax rate
- 1 Selected Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) metrics are subject to independent limited assurance under ISAE 3000 (Revised) by Deloitte LLP. The scope and limitations of Deloitte LLP’s assurance are set out in their unqualified report in our 2023 Annual Report, page 295. Please also see the Basis of Reporting 2023 online at glencore.com/publications
- 2 Alternative performance measures: Adjusted measures referred to as alternative performance measures (APMs) which are not defined or specified under the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards; refer to our 2023 Annual Report’s APMs section beginning on page 282 for definitions, explanation of use and reconciliations and note 2 of the financial statements for reconciliation of Adjusted EBIT/EBITDA.
$6.0bnin salaries, wages, social security and other benefits
Social contribution
$90mincluding discretionary and non-discretionary payments
Fiscal Transparency
We support and welcome fiscal transparency, for both the payments we make to governments and the redistribution and reinvestment of these payments. We are committed to complying with all applicable tax laws, rules and regulations. We pay all relevant taxes, royalties and other levies in amounts determined by the legislation of relevant national, regional or local governments.
Our Group Tax Policy covers our approach to tax strategy, management and control of our tax affairs. We actively seek to identify, manage and mitigate our tax risks. Identified tax risks are actively managed within an appropriate tax risk framework and control procedures. Significant risks are routinely reported to the Board and Audit Committee.
In our annual Sustainability Report, we provide detailed disclosure on our tax and royalty payments to governments, as well as the socio-economic contributions we make in the countries in which we operate.
Payments to Governments Report
Our activities as a global natural resource company and the payments we make support governments to realise value from their natural resources. Governments can use the taxes and royalties that we pay to fund public services and infrastructure to improve their citizens’ quality of life. We believe countries that transparently and effectively allocate natural resource wealth for the benefit of their communities have the potential to attract more responsible and longer-term business investment.
Since 2015, we have published an annual Payments to Governments report that addresses our UK regulatory obligations under DTR 4.3A of the Financial Conduct Authority’s Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, which were introduced to implement the payments to governments requirements provided for in the EU Transparency and Accounting Directives. The report includes our contributions to the national, regional and local economies in which we operate, including taxes, royalties and other related information. In response to external stakeholders’ feedback, we expanded our disclosures on certain countries, our contributions and activities in the countries where our payments to government are $100 million or higher, our large custom and excise payments to government entities as well as details on material advances and loans payable. The report also describes our approach to tax transparency and includes our commodity trading payments made to state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) implementing countries for the purchase of oil and gas and minerals and metals originating in those countries.
Our commitments
2020 Payments to Governments Report
Watch Film
OECD/G20 – BEPS Country-by-Country Reporting
Since 2016, Glencore has prepared a country-by-country report that aggregates tax information per country relating to the global allocation of income, taxes paid and other indicators.
We lodge this report with the Swiss Tax Authorities and, in line with the OECD requirements, it is made available to other tax authorities under the protocols for the automatic exchange of tax information in the jurisdictions where Glencore has a taxable presence. This enables these authorities to monitor the amount of tax that Glencore pays.
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative is a multi-stakeholder initiative between governments, companies and civil society, which promotes the open and accountable management of extractive resources. The EITI Standard 2019 sets out the global standard for the good governance in the extractive industry.
Glencore has been an active supporter of the EITI since 2011 and engages with the EITI at both local and international levels. We are supportive of the EITI and the objective of the EITI Association to make the EITI Principles and the EITI Standard the internationally accepted standard for transparency in the oil, gas, and mining sectors.
Where we operate in EITI member countries, we provide local EITI disclosures, participate in local multi-stakeholder groups and engage in policy consultation processes as appropriate.
We promote commodity-trading transparency by disclosing the payments we make to state-owned enterprises in EITI member countries for the purchases of crude oil, minerals and metals. We include these EITI commodity-trading disclosures in our annual Payments to Government report.
We are proud to support and promote the EITI Initiative, which shares our commitment to promote transparency and disclosure throughout the extractives industry. The EITI’s standard and framework builds and maintains trust and good governance and strengthens civil society’s capacity to hold their governments and the extractive sector to account. Our support of the EITI reflects our ambition to be active and valued societal participants by the communities that host us.
Gary Nagle - CEO
Contract transparency
Since 2019, we have publicly stated our commitment towards supporting and encouraging the disclosure of mining and exploration contracts with host governments in our annual Payments to Government Report. We believe that this type of contract transparency can support building trust and ensuring accountability in the sector.
We welcome the EITI Standard’s approach for contract transparency for EITI-compliant countries. Similarly, as a member of the International Council of Mining and Metals (ICMM), we support their Transparency of Mineral Revenues Position Statement , which includes a commitment to contract transparency.
In line with the ICMM’s position on contract transparency, we disclose our mineral development contracts with host governments, granted, entered into or amended post 1 January 2021, where such disclosure is not prohibited by law, regulation or express confidentiality provisions prohibiting the disclosure of the contract and in respect of which we are not able to obtain consent to disclose. We exclude generic licenses and contracts for operations not majority-owned or controlled by Glencore from our disclosure. We encourage the joint venture companies that are majority owned by ICMM members (either singly or jointly) and in which we hold an interest to also implement ICMM’s commitment on contract transparency.
We have reviewed our mineral development contracts and we have identified the following contracts meeting the ICMM’s disclosure requirements:
Glencore industrial asset | Jurisdiction | Contract* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 72 Zhairem* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 91 Ridder Sokolny* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 92 Tishinsky* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 95 Maleevsky* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 837 Ushkatyn1* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 1185 Vasilkovsky* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 2450 Dolinny and Obruchevsky* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 2841 Uzynzal* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 4534 Dzhumba* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 4623 Chekmar* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 5252 Prigranichnaya* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 5253 Sakmarihinskaya* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 5341 Shybinskaya* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 5342 Revnushenskaya* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 5369 Karazhal* |
Kazzinc | Kazakhstan | 5375 Akbastau* |
*We engaged with the relevant government to obtain consent to disclosure of the contract.
Beneficial ownership
In 2021, Glencore, along with four other mining companies, announced a series of commitments on beneficial ownership transparency, which goes beyond existing commitments made by the signatories as EITI supporting companies.
As part of our beneficial owner transparency commitment, we provide beneficial ownership information for our operating joint ventures across our industrial business.
In addition, we are committed to not partnering or contracting with companies assessed as high corruption risk that decline to identify their beneficial owners unless appropriate mitigation measures are implemented to reduce corruption risk.
Group entities
As part of our transparency commitment, we provide a list of entities where the Group owns more than 20% interest.
Disclosure of sales and purchase agents
Sales and purchase agents are third parties appointed to act and represent Glencore in a specified region or territory. Recognising the inherent risks associated with sales and purchase agents, we have significantly scaled down our engagements with these types of business partners. We only engage sales and purchase agents who provide a clear, tangible service that would otherwise need to be provided by our employees and where we have no office or on the ground presence.
Our Third Party Due Diligence and Management Procedure sets out the steps we take in respect of the management of third parties including onboarding and due diligence, contract terms/scope of services, training, monitoring and payment reviews/controls, renewal, and termination.
As of January 2023, Glencore has three active marketing sales/purchase agents. These agents perform substantive tasks such as submitting documents, arranging logistics and engaging current and potential customers on queries regarding new business and performance of existing business. Their contracts are renewed annually following full refreshed due diligence and audit by an independent auditor.
Name | Country of incorporation |
Country(ies) of operation |
Ultimate beneficial owners |
Commodity(ies) |
Rafkin & Co | Sweden | The Nordics, Poland, Hungary, UK, Israel |
Kenneth Rafkin (99.5%) Per Anders Nilsson (0.5%) |
Aluminium |
Tradehansa | Thailand | Thailand | Phongsak Tanghongs (47%) Naruemol Tanghongs (6%) Kanokwan Tanghongs (6%) Kamonwan Tanghongs (6%) Sunee Tanghongs (35%) |
Aluminium |
Golden Gate Trading Co. | Taiwan | Taiwan | Howard Tong (18%) Jeffrey Tong (34.17%) Jennifer Tong (29.17%) Betty Tong (18.67%) |
Nickel, Ferroalloys |
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international independent standards organisation that develops and disseminates voluntary sustainability reporting frameworks. Its GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) are widely adopted global standards for sustainability reporting. Our annual Sustainability Report and ESG Data Book are prepared with reference to the GRI Standards using GRI 1: Foundation 2021, and are available here.
Principles we follow
UN Global CompactVisit the website
Principle 10Read more
businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery
ICMMVisit the website
UN SD GoalsVisit the website